Bacchus, riding a cow and inspiring debauchery and madness, the bakcheia, pursues each Gastricolium. For the first Gastricolium, Bacchus merely passed late in the evening. For the second he stopped in after the main course. For the third however he arrived on time and sat with the Gastrinauts inspiring chaos and delirium on a scale not seen since the Gasticolii of yore. A portal to hell opened and Lucifer’s chief lieutenant, Beelzebub, entered the kitchen by way of his avatar the fly. He tempted us all with gluttony and drove us to insanity. He flew down my throat and for a while possessed my thoughts directly.
We have recovered and exorcised the demons of last Saturday. Only a few of Beelzebub’s minions still buzz around my kitchen. I would like to thank all those in attendance. We hope to throw Bacchus and Beelzebub off our trail by abandoning the regular schedule of previous Gastricolii. The date of the next one will remain a mystery.
i don't even know if Gastrea was even there. i think it may have been all Beelzebub.
It was too much.
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